Let This Grieving Soul Retire
Let This Grieving Soul Retire

Strange Grief Want to Retire Volume 4 was first published on January 30, 2020. The name of Volume 4 is "Nomination Request".

Let This Grieving Soul Retire! Woe is the Weakling Who Leads the Strongest Party Volume 4 is the official name in English translation by Adam Seacord.


From Japanese: Is this man ―― An unprecedent Hero, or just an ordinary person.

The auction riot that had thrown the Imperial Capital into a whirlwind of confusion is over and Cry has returned to his everyday life.

When he was, as usual, busy playing in his Clan Master's room, he received a letter ―― Something only sent to the best Treasure Hunters, an invitation to the 「White Swords Gathering」, a party hosted by the Zebrudia's Emperor.

Too honored, Cry suddenly felt the urge to go on a trip, he left after saying 「I have something important to do」 and headed out for the hot springs......!

From English:

The Zebrudia Auction has come and gone, meaning Krai can now return to his peaceful life—but only briefly. His respite is interrupted all too soon by an invitation to the Gathering of White Blades, an exclusive annual party for the most elite hunters. Wanting to avoid such an affair at all costs, Krai decides that now would be an excellent time for a vacation. He makes plans to visit a hot spring, meet up with the other members of Grieving Souls, and—most importantly—not come back until after the Gathering of White Blades is over. Unfortunately for him, a request from Earl Gladis, pursuit from Falling Fog, and a mysterious monster lurking in the mountains will all ensure that Krai’s vacation is anything but relaxing.


  • Volume 4: Named Quest
    • Prologue: Ever Reliable Master
    • Chapter 1: Responsibilities of a Level 8
    • Chapter 2: Unusual trials
    • Chapter 3: Pursuers and vacation
    • Chapter 4: Fun vacation
    • Epilogue: Let this Grieving Soul Retire ④
  • Interlude
    • Vacation
  • Gaiden
    • Tino Shade's footprint
  • Afterword
  • Illustrator Chyco Contribution
  • Illustrator Hebino Rai Contribution


Short Story Available with this Volume

  • At Melon Books-sama 【メロンブックス様】: SS Nomimono Training Plan.
  • At Gamers-sama 【ゲーマーズ様】: 『Monthly Issue, 「Lost Inn」, Chasing the strongest Hunter with many mystery! Interviews with the people involved 』.
  • At Tiger's Den-sama 【とらのあな様】: Sytry's mask experience.
  • At BOOK WALKER [BOOK ☆ WALKER]: Infinite Variety Treasure Relic Encyclopedia (2).
  • After responding to a web questionnaire: A Clan Master's job.


  • In Volume 4, there is a booklet with a short story written on it, but most of it depend on the book outlet or bookstores where you bought it.